The Influence of Online Customer Reviews on Purchasing Decisions on the Shopee Marketplace Among University Students in Bandung City

  • Ibnu Sastra Hadi Kusuma Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Keywords: Online customer review, Buying decisions


This study aims to determine the effect of Online Customer Reviews on purchasing decisions at the Shopee Marketplace among Bandung City University Students. Respondents came from Bandung city students who had made purchases and viewed review pages on the Shopee Marketplace. This research uses descriptive quantitative methods, validity and reliability tests, normality tests, and data analysis using simple linear regression. The sample in this study were 125 respondents. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to respondents using Google Form. The results of the study show that online customer reviews have a very significant effect on purchasing decisions which means that online customer reviews can improve purchasing decisions.


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How to Cite
Kusuma, I. S. H. (2023). The Influence of Online Customer Reviews on Purchasing Decisions on the Shopee Marketplace Among University Students in Bandung City. International Journal Administration, Business & Organization, 4(2), 31-39.
Research Articles