The Impact of Intelligence Gathering, Risk Analysis, and Scenario Planning on Defense Policy Formulation

  • Aris Sarjito Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Defense Policy Formulation, Intelligence Gathering, Risk Analysis, Scenario Planning


In the evolving landscape of global security, the integration of intelligence gathering, risk analysis, and scenario planning is paramount for effective defense policy formulation. This study aims to underscore the critical role of these elements in contemporary defense strategies. Employing qualitative research methods, particularly secondary data analysis, this research investigates the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) on threat assessments, the benefits and challenges of big data analytics in risk analysis, and the value of interdisciplinary perspectives in scenario planning. The findings reveal that AI and ML significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of threat assessments by enabling real-time data processing and predictive analytics. However, challenges such as data privacy and algorithmic biases persist. Big data analytics offers substantial benefits in identifying and mitigating emerging threats but requires robust data management frameworks to address issues of data quality and integration. Additionally, scenario planning is highlighted as a strategic tool that enhances defense strategies by anticipating various future scenarios and enabling proactive measures. Furthermore, the integration of interdisciplinary perspectives in scenario planning fosters more robust and adaptable defense policies, ensuring a comprehensive approach to security challenges. In conclusion, the integration of advanced technologies and interdisciplinary methods in intelligence gathering, risk analysis, and scenario planning is crucial for developing resilient and adaptive defense policies.


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How to Cite
Sarjito, A. (2024). The Impact of Intelligence Gathering, Risk Analysis, and Scenario Planning on Defense Policy Formulation. International Journal Administration, Business & Organization, 5(3), 27-46.
Research Articles