The Influence of Social Media to the Development of E-Commerce in Students Environment

  • Yoga Bagus Pratama Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Keywords: Social Media, E-Commerce


The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of social media on the development of e-commerce in the student environment. This research uses descriptive survey research. The population for this study were students. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with a total of 113 respondents. The analytical method used is simple linear regression analysis which aims to find the effect of variable x (social media) with variable y (e-commerce). The results of the analysis from each table are that variable x (social media) has an influence on variable y (e-commerce) by 35.8%.


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How to Cite
Yoga Bagus Pratama. (2022). The Influence of Social Media to the Development of E-Commerce in Students Environment. International Journal Administration, Business & Organization, 3(3), 1-5.
Research Articles