The Effect of Applying E-Commerce on Purchase Decisions on the SMEs in Greater Bandung, Indonesia

  • Delfi Ayu Falufi Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • Harmon Chaniago Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Keywords: E-Commerce, Purchasing Decisions, SMEs


This research aims to analyze the influence of implementing e-commerce on purchasing decisons on the MSME in Bandung, Indonesia. The research methodology used was descrptive quantitative, with primary data collected through distributing questionnaires to 108 respondents who implemented e-commerce. Data analysis involved descriptive, correlation and simple regression approaches. The findings of this research show that the application of e-commerce has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions on the SMEs scale.


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How to Cite
Ayu Falufi, D., & Chaniago, H. (2024). The Effect of Applying E-Commerce on Purchase Decisions on the SMEs in Greater Bandung, Indonesia . International Journal Administration, Business & Organization, 5(3), 96-104.
Research Articles